Thursday 31 January 2008

January Sales.....fill my boots

Well following the last post, i have pulled things back. Had a remarkable morning where I won hand after hand, including destroying a guys whole buy-in ($80) within 10 minutes headsup @ Om8$2/$4. He wasnt that good at Poker and seemed to have a bit of a spelling problem too cause when he lost the last hand he wrote "fckn cnut" in the chat box which I didn't understand........probably Danish for something along the lines of "well played sir" . Surprisingly he didnt reload.
Pulled the whole lot I lost yesterday back at one point, although I slumped slightly to finish just $220 up for the day.
This bonus still needs another 200MPPs and i have only a few hours left to get them or I lose the whole $500 bonus, so really am playing as though it is a job now........least thats what i told the wife.

I'll do a whole analysis tomorrow on January's profit/loss, hourly rate , best game and all that stuff.

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