Monday 22 September 2008

Software techno

Out last night on the excuse of Sneaks headwetting. So a bit groggy today and didn't bother playing until this evening but set up all my software gadgets on the new laptop and seem to have got them working real quickly. In short I now have:

Poker Tracker ~ keeps records of all my hands, how Im playing, how much I'm winning but probably more importantly also how everyone else on the table plays.

Eyepoker ~ This is a datamining and table selection tool that sits there and collects all the hand details on upto 16 tables and feeds it into the pokertracker at once and I leave it on all the time I'm not playing, already today it has collected info on 48,000 hands !!

PokerAce HUD ~ This displays stats directly onto the poker table so I can see instantly how often a guy raises pre-flop and wether he is a winning player and a heap of other stats.

It might seem to be a bit too much , but INFORMATION IS KING and it WILL help give me a little more edge.

I will put some screenshots up of them over the coming posts.

Played tonight in the last BlueSquare league game and took it down for a nice $500 boost.

Sneaks and I take it in turns to play these and despite not being very successful to be honest, we still have taken our account to $2k+ now from $400 each. Couple of weeks off now before Octobers league starts so will spend some time getting to grips on improving my Omaha game on Plex.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alright Jon, its Doylie.
Where do you get Eyepoker From?