Saturday 13 September 2008

Congrats to DazN

Fantastic result for a poker playing friend the other day. Daz who flopped so hopelessly with me down in London has landed himself a biggy.......WSOPE ($25k package)thru betfair and a mammoth sat the other night. He actually qualified through a few sats from a starting $5 fee!So if he takes it down on Oct2nd it will be probably the greatest tournement spin-up ever !!


As for me, Ive been having mixed fortune, with no success at all on Blue square in the League or the APAT games, but going quite strong in the PLO and PLO8 games on Plex. PokerPlex have just moved across to the ipoker network and have a new deal, not a bad one but not as good as the one from their crypto days. However much greater choice of games and availability at PLO/PLO8 so might work out better for me in the long run.

Tonight is the APAT online main event with a GUKPT package added (and medals of course for top 3!) , would be a tournament I would love to take down. SO Im gunning for a lucky and slightly skillfull evening.

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