Saturday 30 May 2009

The Grind is dead...Long live the Grind

As I have mentioned before this month has been an exercise in futility and super grind at PokerStars. I have been desperately trying to achieve their special 80,000 VPPs Bonus by getting 7,500+ this month. I am almost there now, but $315 poorer in the process. Details of the scheme are here. Being supernova does mean you can earn the pokerstars points quicker and also enter a few weekly/monthly freerolls and specials. Don't know why I am really going for it as PokerPlex offer me much better value through Rakeback and bonus. Bit of a status thing I think and also I can play at Stars any time of the day as they have so many games going on.

Will have to get another 12,000 VPPs over the next month or so to actually get the 100,000 needed for supernova status. So 9-tabling PLO8 games is my best way I think although I defo leak playing that many tables .....hence the $315 deficit this month.So the grind is far from over !

When I do finally get there will have 40k points and might well build on that over the following months. Don't quite know what is the best way to go with them, think I can get $160 cash for every 10k, but also beleive you can use them for live events (over$500) if you email them and ask for the concierge service ...oooh posh ! So enough for an event or two at the Blackpool GUKPT would be cool.
The other possibility is to use them on their ridiculously easy Sunday super-turbo sats which I have been doing and got a phenomenal good record in. You can withdraw but they pay T$ so not the best option.
Still feel committed to it now, so unless I spunk too much money will complete.

As for live play I pulled out of going to B'pool for the £100'er and spent much more wholesome activity time with the kids making the most of the hot weather and down the beach.

Did get out last night to the local Pub game, which went well with me taking it down for about $200 without hardly playing any hand of risk except for a lucky 3-bet raise when Heads-up at the end with 93 that hit a 3,3,6 board LOL

Tour idea is coming along nicely, first event going to be Dalton Cricket Club on Sun 14th June 7pm and the mass text message goes out tomorrow night.

Next post will be May accounts and should be fairly good reading due to the GUKPT success. Stay Lucky Folks !!

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